Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quick Update

Hi all (if I have any readers left, that is)!

My baby girl is doing well, as am I. This has been quite the uneventful pregnancy, up to now. My body has taken it much better this time around, which I did not expect. I have barely gained 10 pounds, and I will admit I could afford to gain more. I have not had any seizures, and my only complaints are mundane for pregnancy--morning sickness and back pain. I am thanking all the people who prayed for me, as well as my son for keeping me in such good shape and keeping my mind off any little ache or pain.

The big events are starting to happen now, though, but they are happy events! We are moving cross-country with only 4 weeks up until my scheduled c-section date. Thankfully we have a very supportive family, and they are giving us all the help we'll need plus more. I already have an appointment scheduled with my new doctor for next week, and they should accomodate our schedule.

As I said before, the baby looks great. I just had a growth ultrasound yesterday, and she is in the 59th/51st percentiles, estimated at 4 lbs. 11 oz. +/- 6 oz. The doctor also said she has a lot of hair! I hope he's right about the hair. :)